Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Taking Democracy Seriously.

The Ukraine remains in turmoil over the election results. One wonders what might have happened if we took to the streets over Florida in 2000 or Ohio now. At any rate, Lech Walesa was photographed next to Viktor A. Yushchenko, which means Putin's guy is dead meat. Walesa has some small experience at establishing democracy. We might take a page from Walesa's book rather than be counted on to remain complacent.

One of the great jokes is the notion that Ronald Raygun won the cold war. It sorta overlooks guys like Walesa who acutally had their lives on the line, who spent time in prison, who struggled who were in the streets. Or that Polish Pope. Or the people who literally tore down the wall.

We'd prefer to believe that some B grade actor who had ass/elbow discrimination problems and was busy spending this country into a hole actually had a plan about freeing Eastern Europe. Empty suit, just the way the Repugs like their leaders.

Raygun was a storyteller and to call him the "great communicator" is only to demonstrate how we've let political speech degenerate in this country. We had a president who made up stories after his wife consulted astrologers and to refer to him as anything great is to make a mockery of politics.

Then again, we have a president who makes a mockery of politics now. Maybe we were better off under the loveable goofball than gods anointed one.

Letter to the Annointed One (or maybe just the Annoying One)

Making the rounds via email:

Dear President Bush:

Congratulations on your victory over all us non-evangelicals. Actually,
we're a bit ticked off here in California, so we're leaving you.

California will now be its own country. And we're taking all the Blue
States with us. In case you are not aware, that includes Hawaii, Oregon,
Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, all of the North
East States, and the urban half of Ohio.

We spoke to God, and she agrees that this split will be beneficial to
almost everybody, and especially to us in the new country of California.

Just so we're clear, the country of California will be pro-choice,
pro-gay marriage, pro-stem cell research, and anti-war. Speaking of war,
we're going to need all Blue States citizens back from Iraq. If you need
people to fight in Falujah, just ask your evangelical voters. They have
tons of kids they're willing to send to their deaths for absolutely no
purpose. And they don't care if you don't show pictures of their kids'
caskets coming home.

We wish you all the best in the next four years and we hope, really
hope, you find those missing weapons of mass destruction.



Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Now they're concerned.

"Americans Show Clear Concerns on Bush Agenda" reads the story on the NYT's website today. Wait a minute, didn't these concered Americans elect him? The story reinforces an essay I read recently about undecided voters being marginal decision makers (aka goofballs) rather than concerned citizens. Sorta like the conversations Ira Glass had with the voter who actually agreed with more with Kerry but felt he had to vote for El Busho because Bush wasn't afraid to take an unpopular stand on issues.

Being a fan of George Carlin helps one to appreciate this stuff.


Newspaper reports says people are surprised at the hunter who shot and killed several others when he was challenged over his use of a tree stand. It turns out that the killer had several domestic disturbance complaints. Someone with a short temper and a semi-automatic combat rifle sounds like an invitation to disaster to me, in or out of the woods. Besides, anyone who thinks they need a 20 round magazine to hunt deer, from a tree stand no less, would be branded as an incompetent jerk in my old neighborhood.

Speaking of incompetence, does anyone really believe the reports that Commandate El Busho is disappointed with the lack of a vote on the intellegence reform bill? Either he's saving all that political capital he earned with re-election to further screwing up the tax code and social security, or he's the lamest of lame ducks, or he's once again lying.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Too busy....

Just too busy to blog and still despondent over the election. Talking Points has this to offer tho'.

Thursday, November 04, 2004


Things are quiet around here and it's good, simply because it still hurts my brain to think about the next four years.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Four more?


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Going naked

The great Jimmy Breslin makes his prediction: Kerry will win. Period. That's what "going naked" means -- he holds nothing back. This happens to be Breslin's last column, he's quitting the newspaper biz. A real loss for all of us.

I hazarded a prediction yesterday: JFK 52% to W's 47% and immediately thought I've jinxed things.

Big turnout. Will the Cell Phone Voters really make the difference?