Monday, April 25, 2005

What did he say?

While folks are fulminating over who originated "nuclear option," did anyone notice Chris Dodd's reference to a "Democrat president" (quickly corrected to "Democratic President") during the last "Meet the Press" gabfest?

Shows to go you how the Repugs have been able to structure the language of Washington.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Oh DeLay He Hoo!

Check this from TAP.

And a shout out to David Brooks too, who continues to get paid by the NYT for what.

A perfect illustration

A great Mike Luckovich cartoon on the Dear Leaders plan to privatize Social Security.

How much you wanna bet El Busho starts to argue that since's the market's coming down, nows the time to buy?

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Oh just die.

Pity the poor folks in Kaleefornia. Despite having the Gropinator as Govenor, they're now stuck with the prospect of building a $220 million addition to San Quentin to house all the people the state of Kalifornia is waiting to kill. Besides being expensive, the Kaleefornians have concerns about the expansion spoiling the view of the bay. But the state's constitution sez death row's gotta be at San Quentin. (So much for the wisdom of micromanaging by constitution.)

Here's the kicker, as posted in Salon from an AP wire story: "Prison officials have said that a new death row is needed because security at the prison's existing death row is so inadequate it is considered life-threatening."

No, I'm not making this up -- working on death row is as lethal as living on death row. Maybe moreso, since prisoners get some form of due process before their ticket gets punched. No such luck for the staff.

The article goes on to state: "The current death row, the only one in California, was designed 70 years ago to hold 68 inmates but now houses more than 600 men in three aging buildings."

Which shows you how effective the death penalty is at preventing crimes.

Philoking's modest suggestion would be that the Terminator Gropenator put explosives in the current building, enough to destroy the place completely, and light 'em up. That would rid Kaleefornians of all the bad guys in San Quentin simultaneously, make for great film footage, and give the state (once the rubble was cleared) an nice builidng site for the new facility where you could lock up even more folks you deemed needed killing. You could probably pay for the whole thing by selling exclusive rights to Fox.

Geeze, ArnHold, it's a win-win. Smoke 'em and then use 'em in the new foundation. Either that or outsource the job to China or Iran, the only two countries who know how to kill off them nasty guys more efficently than we do.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

No truer words

CJR exerpts from a Solaris Hill Weekly editorial on the glurgeathon just completed in Florida:

"Yet one more piece of fallout from this public trauma is that all of the news bunnies of local television seem to have rushed back to RTVMP school to learn how to squeeze every last drop of sanctimony and false sincerity out of their voices. From one end of the television dial to the other, young men and women, well-coifed, well-dressed and sharp-jawed, speak ever so unctuously about things they do not know. Terri Schiavo's wretched condition has given them yet one more level of hyped emotion with which they can communicate their plastic understanding."

Another person not clear on the concept

"'I didn't want to hurt her,' Schmitz told KCNC-TV after the fight, when Zerlentes was still alive. 'I feel very badly about that.'"

It was Ms. Schmitz's punch that floored Ms. Zerlentes, who ultimately died of blunt force trauma.

If you don't want to hurt someone, don't enter a boxing contest, a fact that appears to be lost on Ms. Schmitz.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Mission Accomplished

Terri Schiavo's dead. Her feeding tube was removed, despite Commandante El Busho's dramatic flight to Washington to sign the bill that was supposed to have the opposite effect. The hero of the Christian Right once again donned his flight suit, I guess.

Whenever this guy makes a dramatic landing we should expect:
a. Karl Rove arranged it and
b. It will result in failure.

Once again, Mission Accomplished!