Mitt & Marriage (gay or otherwise)
As Ken and Barbie -- oops Mitt and Kerry -- depart the Statehouse there is the buzz about Mitt's methodical quest for the presidency (always the takeover artist ). Part and parcel of his cultural learnings of Massachusetts to make benefit glorious quest for Republican Party Nomination is ranting about the perils of gay marriage.
Mitt's problem is he has to make himself attractive to the Repub winger base, not an easy thing to do when you're a Bishop in the Mormon Church. You may be good looking and sufficently blow-dried, a successful capitalist, savior of the winter Olympics but you're lacking in the born-again, praise Jesus department. Plus, there's that polygamy thing.
Not that Mitt's into polygamy -- quite the contrary. None other than NRO's The Corner pointed out that he's the front runner in the monogamy sweepstakes -- all the others are guilty of being what Bob Dornan calls "open adulterers." Of course, Mitt might face a serious monogamy challenge from Dornan (although he's Catholic) or, worse yet, Mike Huckabee who not only has that covenant marriage thing going but is a Southern Baptist minister to boot.
So bashing gay marriage becomes the thing to do to burnish your purity credentials. But yet another problem: Massachusetts allows gay marriage and it happened during Mitt's administration. How could that be?
It's obvious -- the South African Supreme Court just approved gay marriage and the Chief Justice of Massachusetts is from South Africa! Perfect -- every winger loves a conspiracy story and you can tie in the perils of immigration thing plus activist judges (near and afar). Sweet.
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