Cut and ....
Not cut and run, it looks like Jimmy Baker will recommend "cut and walk."
The tactic resembles Churchill's approach to controlling Iraq -- British enclaves that can be used to project force on an as needed basis. We'll probably see an escalation in the use of air power (which has gotten virtually no attention from the press) as did the Brits way back when.
It will be interesting to see what the Baker Commission rolls out. The cynic in me sees this gold-plated group of Washington insiders as simply providing cover for Shrub. The big question for me is not will the Commission come up with an interesting solution (they won't) but will Frat Boy have the good sense to take a hint.
Prediction: the Repub campaign cry for 2008 will be that Iraq was lost because the Democrats handicapped Bush while the Iraqis failed to stand up.
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