Still more nannygate.
Yes, the man who would be homeland security chief, protecting us all, just happens to have overlooked the fact that his housekeeper/nanny didn't have a green card. Gosh, golly -- he wishes he'd noticed sooner, then maybe he wouldn't have told the Bushies that he didn't have a problem hiring illegals.
Guess the "Mayhem Magnet" still has the touch.
Even more disgusting is Shumer and Clinton fawning over this joker. In tune with New York? Chuck, baby, this is the guy who presided over a department with dysfunctional communications with other emergency services in the city. They were out of tune, couldn't talk readily to each other and had turf battles going when 9/11 happened. You and Hil should have been vying for who could drop kick this sucker from Manhattan back to his McMansion in Fairlawn, NJ.
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