Saturday, December 11, 2004


Kerik's rise to Homeland Security czar gets torpedoed by his employing an illegal immigrant and, uh, probably not paying social security taxes. So much for being a detail-attentive, law and order type. It's the Leona rule -- only the little people pay taxes.

The name and nationality of the housekeeper/nanny who, according to the NYT, returned to her home country two weeks ago (coincidence) was not released. Pity. The woman should be accorded honors from rescuing us from the Mayhem Magnet. As George Carlin said: "God bless the law of unintended consequences."

Of course, in the Bush Administration you have to demonstrate your incompetence to keep your job or get promoted (Colin Powell being the exception), so I'm sure there are plenty of potential replacements. Rambo types only need apply. We need some action -- the last guy was too Martha Stewart, with those color schemes and that plastic sheet/duct tape redo.