Rambo and Rummy
Rummy, who's plans for Iraq have been less than stellar, gets asked to stay on. So we'll have more of the same for the near future at least.
Add to that hiring "Rambo" (aka Bernie Kerik) as the new head of Homeland (seig heil) Security and you have the perfect combination. Kerik was the tough talkin' sheriff of NYC during the Rudi years. The guy who supposedly brought street crime way down (which reflected a national trend, as crime tends to go down during periods of high employment) but who overlooked little things, like the ability of pubic safety departments in NYC to communicate with each other. Sort of a drawback when 9/11 happened.
He didn't go to HahVahd like the departing Tom Ridgid, so he'll probably change the color code. He did stand accused of misusing NYPD resources to find out about his mother, who abandoned him, and quickly added a chapter to his book on 9/11, which probably boosted sales.
Tough guy, shaved head, willing to misuse public resources, able to capitalize to his benefit on unfortunate events. Fits with Commandante El Busho just fine, even though he doesn't seem to know anything about oil.
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