It's been awhile.
Shows you what happens when there's too many things to do -- the blog goes by the boards.
The Nation's Katha Pollitt voices a vaild concern regading the lack of women as op-ed columnists in the MSM -- one out of 19 at the WaPo and one of eight at the NYT. Pollitt ticks off a long list of women who would make fine op-ed types, including herself by saying "What about me? Am I a potted plant?"
When you consider some of whom the Time's pays to pontificate - Friedman, Brooks, and the soon to be added Tierney - a potted plant would be preferable. I can't understand what MoDo gets paid for either but she tends to be less obnoxious than the beforementioned males simply because she doesn't pretend to have studied and thought deeply about the issue.
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