A real Nigerian scam
We've all gotten one of those emails from someone claiming to be a Nigerian national with a ton of money to dispose of, well now there's a real Nigerian scam.
Olatunji Oluwatosin, a Nigerian national, is at least one of the guys behind the identity theft scam that was run on ChoicePoint. Initial reports were that ChoicePoint's computers had been hacked but in reality they were scammed. It was a hack alright but a social hack. ChoicePoint intitially came off as a victim, now they come off as a bunch of chumps.
Some of us may have had our personal information compromised but ChoicePoint ain't saying, except to California and D.C. folks. Doesn't inspire confidence.
Perhaps what we need is legislation requiring ChoicePoint and others to make an annual disclosure of the information they hold on us and who's accessed that information over the past year. That could be interesting. Will it happen with a RePub congress, so interested in privacy rights? Sorry, dumb question.
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