What's next?
I hadn't heard of the Nelson Report before but apparently it's responsible for breaking the story on the hundreds of tons (somewhere around 380) of high-tech explosives that disappeared from a large storage site at Al QaQaa in Iraq. This, of course, was after we were warned about it. It's likely that this stuff is now being used to kill our troops. It's also useful in making nuclear weapons. Oh, yeah -- the "dual use" technology Iraq had is missing to. Wonder where that went?
Another way Bush has made us safer.
I had it in my head that Rummy & Co. failed to protect Iraq's cultural and civic resources out of some perverse belief that they weren't worth saving. It appears that they weren't prepared to protect much of anything. With "shock and awe" and the joy of liberation the bad guys should have been cowed and the peasantry compliant.
It's been said: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity." With this crew, stupidity has enormous explanatory value.
Note to Tommy Franks: Feith isn't the only dumb fuck out there. Oops, sorry -- you said he was the dumbest. I guess we could argue that too. Plenty of choices.
Robert Scheer has this piece on a report that's being sat on at the CIA and may only see the light of day after the elections. It supposedly names names and assesses blame for intelligence failures that led up to 9/11. Isn't it strange that the biggest intelligence failure since the Bay of Pigs that resulted in the most casulties since Pearl Harbor happened and no one has gotten fired? I wonder what Condi Rice got on her annual employee evaluation: "needs to pay more attention to detail"?
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