Friday, October 22, 2004


Enough to make me believe in a higher power is this from The American Conservative. Add to that Jessie Ventura's and Eminem's endorsements and you may have a movement. I may experience a conversion next month. Stay tuned.

Here in Massachusetts things have been very quiet on the national level, with the exeception of the local Sinclair station (WGGB) protesting that it's owner is misunderstood. Locally, it's been laughable with Mitt Romney (our Governor, son of George Romney and former master of the takeover at Bain Capital) trying to field candidates against Democrats.

Massachusetts is an interesting state: 40% Catholic, yet we have gay marriage based on a ruling by a Repug majority Supreme Judicial Court. A reputation for high taxes that just ain't so. A state whose tax base made up of high tech industries involved in defense work. Then there's all those universities that impact on the state's economy: Harvard, MIT, Tufts, Brandeis, Boston University, Boston College, and a slew of "second tier" colleges that are really second to none. Then there's the University of Massachusetts, which manages to survive and produce good work in what is probably the most privatized state in the country. Oh -- and the state that elected John Kerry to the Senate a few times as well as that other guy: Ted Kennedy.